How To Rig A Car In Under 15 Minutes Using Cinema 4D

Avatar AE Tips And Tricks | February 14, 2022

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Tutorial by: Leon Baisden

If you've been following us for a while, you know we love to feature a good Cinema 4D tutorial. This one is especially good, because here Leon shows us how he rigged a car in under 25 min! Car rigging is essential to add to your workflow as a motion designer, and you can find a version of Cinema 4D built into After Effects, known as Cineware. This makes blending your After Effects work with Cinema 4D essentially seamless. Be sure to support Leon's Gumroad to check out more of his work, and subscribe to him on youtube!

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From the instructor:

Today I'll show you rig a car quickly using cinema4d built in car rigging tools.