How To Create A Smooth Camera Rig In Cinema 4D

Avatar AE Tips And Tricks | April 5, 2021

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Tutorial by: Daniel Danielsson

We've covered some amazing Cinema 4D Tutorials before, and if you've been following us for a while, you've probably heard of Daniel Danielsson. Argubly one of the best Cinema 4D Tutorial instructors on Youtube, Daniel has graced us all with another amazing tutorial on how to create smooth, complex camera animations in Cinema 4D. This is a great trick to learn if you are trying to get better at working with the camera to create more intricate animations. Daniel has also spent some time creating a new course called The Process Of Motion, which we encourage you all to check out! Be sure to also follow him on Instagram!

Process Of Motion Course

Learn more about The Process Of Motion

From the instructor:

This is a nifty trick to have up your sleeve to make any camera smooth as silk in Cinema 4D, using a Constraint tag of all things. Actually you can really use it to make any animation in C4D fluid.