Quiz: How Well Do You Know After Effects?
Which of these is NOT a blend mode?

How do you change the shutter angle of motion blur in a composition?

This one's a bit tricky, but yes! There is a advanced tab in your Composition settings that allows you to change the shutter angle of your motion blur!
True or False: Command + Left and Right arrow keys moves the playback head forward and backward.

What is the keyboard shortcut for changing a layer's Opacity while selected?

Of the following below, which is the correct definition of the term ‘ease in’?

When a layer is selected, pressing enter will...

What is the file extension of Adobe After Effects Projects?

True of False: After Effects can render 3D text natively and without 3rd party plugins.

It's True! You can create 3D text in After Effects, without any 3rd party plugins.
The plugin Keylight, is used to do what?

The action that creates relationships between layer properties is known as...

When changing a layer's anchor point, you will need to use the Pan behind / Anchor Point Tool. What is the keyboard shortcut for this tool?

Which of these can help you achieve a glitch effect?

All of these effects can help you achieve a glitch effect!
Whats the keyboard shortcut to move selected layers, masks, effects, or render items down (back) or up (forward) in stacking order?

What is the name of the term that allows you to use a layer as a mask?

What is the keyboard shortcut to edit the composition settings?

In what year was After Effects acquired by Adobe Systems?

Holding the spacebar does what?

Please select 2 correct answers
Under project settings, you can adjust the color depth. What's the maximum number of bits per channel (bpc) that After Effects will allow?

Match the definition with the term below: Process that is useful for creating slow motion, fast motion, freeze frame, or other retiming results.

Pressing caps lock will do what?

Though many people think so, the caps lock key does not help speed up your render time! It simply disable's the preview window.
What is the keyboard shortcut to split a layer along the play head?

What is a Null Object?

Which one of these is NOT one of the light types?

True or False: After Effects is part of the NLE ( Non Linear Editing) Family.

After Effects is part of the Linear video editing family. This is the video editing post-production process of selecting, arranging and modifying images and sound in a predetermined, ordered sequence. (via Wikipedia)
How do you reset the Anchor Point of a layer?

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**PC Users, substitute Command for the Windows Key, and Option for ALT key.**