Create This Colorful Audio Spectrum Cube Using Plexus

Avatar AE Tips And Tricks | November 15, 2018

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Tutorial By: Lyosh Lazaryan VFX

Plexus is a great third party plugin that has been in the market for a while now, and Lyosh shows us how to create this amazing audio reaction effect using it and sound keys! Not only that, he has provided us with the project files to follow along!

From the instructor:

Hi guys,welcome back to my another after effects tutorial, -Please write in the comments which tutorial you want from me? Today i will show how to create Box AUDIO SPECTRUM in Adobe After Effects,to create this need only AFTER EFFECTS program,and Rowbyte Plexus Plugin,Learn how to make 3D Audio Visualizer in Adobe AE 2018 CC,100% in After Effects.



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