Create This Psychedelic Mixed Media Effect Using The Transfusion Plugin

Avatar AE Tips And Tricks | August 24, 2018

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Tutorial by: SideshowFX

If you haven't seen it yet, Bo Burnham, the Director from the movie Eighth Grade, created this fascinating video using footage from the movie (See below) This montage left people wondering, how do you create this? Well, this effect was created with the plugin Transfusion and Datamosh, which you can purchase below from Aescripts. Even though these plugins aren't free, we thought it's important for our viewers to know how these effects are created! If this is something you would like to re-create, you can purchase the plugins below, and be sure to check out SideshowFX's amazing tutorial above once you've gotten started!

See the Effect:

From the instructor:

In this video we take the new After Effects plugin Transfusion for a test drive. Transfusion brings Style Transfer processing to motion in After Effects for the first time. We dive into the tool to see how it can applied and adjusted for motion graphics and footage to achieve results that can't be obtained in any other way.


Download Transfusion


Download Datamosh