Learn How To Animate A Dog Walk Cycle

Avatar AE Tips And Tricks | May 1, 2018

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Tutorial by: Pregardt

This is a great tutorial if you're trying to learn a bit more about character animation and walk cycles. There are tons of tutorials on human walk cycles, but Pregardt does an amazing job breaking this dog walk cycle into a few simple parts. Not to mention the designs look great!

From the instructor:

Hi guys! I show you how I create dog walking cycle animation for my character in After Effects. I designed a dog in illustrator and separated each moving part to different layer before importing into AE. If you liked this video please give a THUMBS UP. If you stopped by for first time please SUBSCRIBE for more content like this. I would like to say thank you all of the SHARES+LIKES+SUBSCRIBERS who supports this channel. It really helps me to create more videos.