Learn How To Create These Radiant 3D Retro Animations Like The Short Film ‘Tank’

Avatar AE Tips And Tricks | May 23, 2018

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Tutorial by: Red Giant

This is more than a tutorial, but a look into one of the brightest minds of our time when it comes to After Effects. As the CCO of Red Giant, Stu Maschwitz has been tinkering with after effects for quite some time now. He shares a bit of his background and his techniques for creating this amazing effect, all done inside of After Effects with NO PLUGINS!

From the instructor:

Putting aside current 3D modeling techniques, Red Giant’s Chief Creative Officer Stu Maschwitz looked to the past and built a visual homage to vector arcade games of the 80’s entirely in Adobe After Effects, using math, code, and hundreds of hours of painstaking animation work. TANK tells the story of a team of pilots that must take on a weapon of mass destruction in a battle to save their world.


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