About Us

Power to the artist.
Whether you are a student learning After Effects for the first time, or veteran animator in all things AE, we guarantee every tutorial listed is vetted by quality, content, and "cool factor". Here at AE Tips and Tricks, we live and breath motion design and search tirelessly for the best of the best.
We sort, categorize and tag each tutorial, so you can find the right tutorial for you faster.Â

Exposure for the creator.
AE Tips and Tricks believes that the creators of tutorials deserve as much exposure as possible. We value the work that you do and our goal is to try to get your work in front of people ready and willing to learn. Would you like to add to our growing library of tutorials?
If you are a creator and would like to remove your video from our site, please click here.

Education For All.
Motion Graphics and VFX has become one of the fastest growing industries in the last 5 years, and the community at large is always willing to share their knowledge. We created this site to help you navigate all the best of the tutorials across the web, all in one place.